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advocacy, diversity and inclusion, leadership Michelle Bogan advocacy, diversity and inclusion, leadership Michelle Bogan

Show Up

If you are not Black or Asian, you may feel it’s not your place to say something about all the terrifying ways racism is playing out around us. In fact, the exact opposite is true. Demonstrate humanity. Show up.

Staying quiet, keeping your head down, acting like this is none of your business sends a message - even if totally unintentional - that you do not care, that because this does not affect you directly it is not important. This is totally contrary to being an ally at a time allyship matters most. Allies show up.

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When DEI is an "Initiative" It's at High Risk for Being Cut

Business leaders are largely in desperate situations right now. They’re either struggling to keep their business alive, or scrambling to keep up with newfound demand, with very little in between. DE&I work is at high risk in either scenario because both create an all-hands approach to producing and selling, forcing people and culture initiatives into the back seat - or, even worse, onto the chopping block.

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leadership Michelle Bogan leadership Michelle Bogan

Lead with Empathy, Lead with Inclusion

I lived in New York City during 9/11 and so much about the COVID-19 crisis takes me back viscerally to that time. What we all need to do is to start leading, now. Whether you are a leader in name or not, your leadership skills are desperately needed to create a sense of calm, connectedness, compassion — in a word, INCLUSION — with those around you.

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Why Recruiting Entry-Level Women Can't Solve Your Gender Equity Problem

Because inclusion…

Today close to half of entry level roles are filled by women, and only 22% of C-level roles and a pitiful 5% of CEO roles in Fortune 500 companies are filled by women. If balance at the bottom get us to only 5% at the very top, adding to the bottom isn’t the answer.

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equality in the workplace, gender parity Michelle Bogan equality in the workplace, gender parity Michelle Bogan

Women's Equality Day: The Numbers Matter

August 26, 2019 marks the 99-year anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment granting women the right to vote.  And yet, here we are, 99 years later, and corporate America is still predominantly male at every level above entry-level.  At the most senior levels, only 22% of C-suite executives, 23% of SVPs and 29% of VPs are female. Less than 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women.

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The Benefits Give You Permission to Do The Right Thing

Are you wanting to do more to advance women in your company, but feel like you can’t prioritize something that feels like a nice-to-have? I have good news for you - you can put advancing women on the top of your to-do list because the benefits to your business are huge - big enough to trump your other initiatives, to grow your business, to secure investors and to attract and retain great employees.

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Advancing Women Advances Business

I know, that sounds like motherhood and apple pie.  And you’re probably thinking, yes, we should do that, but I have 10 other burning issues right now and have to make sure I hit my performance targets for the quarter. Let me put it to you another way… Not advancing women creates a huge missed opportunity for your business.

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Unintended Consequences of Unconscious Bias

Unconscious bias has become a bit of a buzzword lately, with companies such as Starbucks, Google and Facebook publicly talking about the training they are doing to educate employees about it.  While there is no quick training that anyone can do to “fix” their unconscious bias, opening your eyes to the biases you have that you are not aware of – and their unintended consequences, particularly in the workplace – is incredibly valuable.

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The Added Challenge for Small Companies & Departments

Whether your company or department has 15 people or 150, if you did not start your business with a gender-balanced team, achieving gender parity can feel like an insurmountable challenge. I’m here to tell you it is not.

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It's The Tenure

I recently analyzed the data in McKinsey’s Lean In reports, Best Places to Work lists and publicly available company annual reports to develop deeper insights on why companies have such a difficult time moving more women into leadership roles.  What struck me is that the majority of the workforces at top-rated companies for women have been with those companies for less than 2 years.

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equality in the workplace, gender parity Michelle Bogan equality in the workplace, gender parity Michelle Bogan

4 Simple Ways for Men to Set Women Up for Success

One of the most important things men can do to improve gender equity at work is to help break down the men vs women silo-ing into everyone being seen and treated as individual people. I’m focusing on men here because most senior level positions are held by men, so it is even more important that men set the example.

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Conversation with Fairygodboss CEO Georgene Huang

I had the pleasure of speaking with Georgene Huang, CEO and Co-Founder of Fairygodboss, an online career community focused on empowering women in their job searches by providing insights about companies from people who have worked there. In our conversation Georgene shared some of the key insights she has gained from interacting with the Fairygodboss community.

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Men Being Great Partners to Women

Jefferies Financial Group CEO Rich Handler and President Brian Friedman wrote an open letter to their staff stating “We cannot control the markets but we can control how we act and behave... we choose fairness, integrity, transparency, inclusion, openness, meritocracy, and equal opportunity for all.” It is beautifully written and in direct response to a recent Bloomberg article in which 30 Wall Street executives describe how they “avoid women at all costs” as a result of the #MeToo movement.

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Quota or No Quota?

Since the passing of law requiring publicly held companies based in California to have a minimum of one woman on their Boards of Directors by the end of 2019 there has been a lot of debate about the effectiveness of quotas. Will this forced change make a real difference? Or will it create resentment toward women who are appointed and end up hamstringing their ability to be effective?

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  • “Great partnership and DEIB subject matter expertise.”

    DIVYA P.
    Senior Director, HR, Host Hotels & Resorts

  • “Michelle and Jamey worked very collaboratively with the team. They have an understanding of opportunities and how to engage with our team.”

    JIM P.
    AGM of Operations, Nike

  • “They listen and find the best way to communicate to and reach our team.”

    JULIE B.
    Director, Kainos Capital

  • “Michelle was very clear on the work - deliverables, timing, approach. She did a nice job of connecting with associates across the org to take a level deeper in understanding our culture, associates and circumstances.”

    JULIE M.
    Vice President of Talent, Safelite

  • “Michelle was amazing to work with. She was able to communicate the intricacies of developing a more diverse organization.”

    RENEE B.

    Contract Analyst, AMN Healthcare