THE equity at work™ blog
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Women’s Unemployment During The Pandemic Vastly Outpaces Men’s
As seen in The Dallas Morning News
For the past 10 years, annual unemployment for women 18 and over has been consistently lower than men’s. Then came the pandemic. Not only has unemployment skyrocketed, a notable divergence of rates for women and men has appeared and is becoming a disturbing trend. Women are losing jobs, becoming unable to work and staying unemployed at much higher rates than men.
The Benefits Give You Permission to Do The Right Thing
Are you wanting to do more to advance women in your company, but feel like you can’t prioritize something that feels like a nice-to-have? I have good news for you - you can put advancing women on the top of your to-do list because the benefits to your business are huge - big enough to trump your other initiatives, to grow your business, to secure investors and to attract and retain great employees.
The Added Challenge for Small Companies & Departments
Whether your company or department has 15 people or 150, if you did not start your business with a gender-balanced team, achieving gender parity can feel like an insurmountable challenge. I’m here to tell you it is not.
It's The Tenure
I recently analyzed the data in McKinsey’s Lean In reports, Best Places to Work lists and publicly available company annual reports to develop deeper insights on why companies have such a difficult time moving more women into leadership roles. What struck me is that the majority of the workforces at top-rated companies for women have been with those companies for less than 2 years.
Why Equity Matters
Why equity? Why not equality?
Equity is fair treatment, equality is equal treatment. If you start from a place of disadvantage and are then treated equally to a person with advantage, you perpetuate and ultimately grow the gap between the two of you. You need equitable measures first to close that gap and get everyone to a level playing field.
How to Motivate Leaders to Champion Gender Equity
Last week I had the privilege of participating in the inaugural New York Times New Rules Summit. Two hundred leaders across industries came together to identify how to create inclusive, equitable workplaces that empower women. One of the key topics that came up over and over was how to motivate male leaders to drive gender equity in a transformative and impactful way.
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