THE equity at work™ blog
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Quota or No Quota?
Since the passing of law requiring publicly held companies based in California to have a minimum of one woman on their Boards of Directors by the end of 2019 there has been a lot of debate about the effectiveness of quotas. Will this forced change make a real difference? Or will it create resentment toward women who are appointed and end up hamstringing their ability to be effective?
Don't Talk the Talk if you Won't Walk the Walk
There is nothing worse at work than a leader who talks about supporting their people but won’t put their words into action. Male or female, it's equally bad.
How Men Can Be Great Allies For Women
A critical step in women achieving greater equity and equality at work is building alliances with the good men who are at the top and on the path to get there. We want to be your partners and work together for the benefits that everyone receives from a more diverse workplace. We know many of you want that too. Here's how you can help us…
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