THE equity at work™ blog
Read our blog for the latest DEI news and insights
What Social Contract Do You Have With Your Employees?
What is the agreement between an employer and employee, beyond compensation and benefits? What are the inherent assumptions on each side of the table? And why aren’t we having a more direct dialog about them?
The Added Challenge for Small Companies & Departments
Whether your company or department has 15 people or 150, if you did not start your business with a gender-balanced team, achieving gender parity can feel like an insurmountable challenge. I’m here to tell you it is not.
How to Motivate Leaders to Champion Gender Equity
Last week I had the privilege of participating in the inaugural New York Times New Rules Summit. Two hundred leaders across industries came together to identify how to create inclusive, equitable workplaces that empower women. One of the key topics that came up over and over was how to motivate male leaders to drive gender equity in a transformative and impactful way.
How To Address Gender Inequity At Work
If you have even a remote sense that there is gender inequity playing out at work - whether you’ve heard unofficial comments or observed something more blatant - it is critical to step up and address the situation head on. Here is an action plan for what to do…
Don't Talk the Talk if you Won't Walk the Walk
There is nothing worse at work than a leader who talks about supporting their people but won’t put their words into action. Male or female, it's equally bad.
The One Thing You Can Do To Be a Great Supporter of Women at Work
One of the best pieces of advice I ever got from a photography teacher was, "When you think you see everything in the frame, take a big step closer." I feel this is a great metaphor for understanding what women are up against at work and how we need to be supported.
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