Transgender Visibility

We All Deserve To Be Seen, Heard and Valued for Who We Are

March 31st marked the annual Transgender Day of Visibility, and for the first time was acknowledged with a proclamation from the White House.  Transgender people - the "T" in LGBTQ+ - are often left in the shadows of recognition, so it was particularly meaningful to have this proclamation issued by the highest level of government.

The graphic above by PinkNews beautifully captures the challenges of the trans experience that we all need to work to eliminate.  Given members of the LGBTQ+ community represent 6% of the population, and 8% of the workforce, odds are you know someone who is transgender, whether they are open about it or not.

How can you support an employee - or colleague or friend - in transition?  Here is a great primer from The 519.

Need help determining how to achieve high-impact, measurable results with your DEI work?  Contact us here.

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Michelle Bogan

Michelle is the Founder and CEO of Equity At Work, known for creating innovative solutions for even the most complex DEI challenges.


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