We Help Companies Create Equitable Workplaces
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The Equity At Work Blog

We Write The

Equity At Work Blog

The E4W Blog

Choose To Challenge


Happy International Women's Day!  This year's theme is "Choose To Challenge," which is so fitting for the work we do with our clients. 

We help clients challenge assumptions, the status quo, resistance to change and fear of what will be uncovered if we start to get serious about DE&I work. 

Change can be unnerving, but without honestly challenging the way things are we can't get to a better future.  As I shared in our last webinar, here are the most important things you can do to drive positive DE&I change:

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 When you choose to challenge, you can unlock tremendous benefits for your organization and create a highly rewarding and engaging workplace for all employees:

  • Every 1% increase in gender diversity yields 3% increase in revenue 

  • Inclusive workplaces outperform S&P 500 stock performance by 4x

  • Diverse and inclusive workplaces have 5.4x higher employee retention

Michelle's mission is to help companies create equitable workplaces.  She is the Founder and CEO of Equity At Work, helping leaders achieve major impact through their diversity, inclusion and equity work. Follow her on LinkedIn and Twitter.