Equity at Work

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Where DEI Goes From Here

This is one of my favorite quotes by Martin Luther King, Jr., displayed at his memorial in Washington, D.C. I have been thinking about this a lot in the last few weeks.

In the US, we have just completed a polarizing presidential race, and many in the DEI world are feeling unsure of what the next four years hold. While we certainly have heard a lot of anti-DEI rhetoric during this time, it is impossible to know how much of that will turn into action against DEI, and what form that will take.

As clients ask for our guidance at this time, here are the key points we are sharing:

  • DEI is not about politics.  DEI is about ensuring everyone has an equal opportunity to thrive and succeed.

  • Companies that were performative with their DEI work are using this as an opportunity to bow out. Performative work will not move the needle, so better to not do DEI work at all than just be performative.

  • The rest are continuing to prioritize DEI, largely increasing their investment and spreading DEI accountability throughout their organizations

  • Edelman’s recent Trust Barometer research shows that across political lines, employees feel more DEI initiatives foster increased belonging, make them more likely to recommend their employer — and demand for DEI programs is back to a 2020 high:

  • Edelman’s research also shows that 76% of employees feel diverse workforces connect and build trust with customers and communities more effectively

  • Bridge Partners’ new research shows the majority of corporate leaders are continuing to invest in building and enhancing their DEI programs

  • Investing in DEI drives loyalty because it demonstrates an organization values its people

  • The benefits correlated with DEI yield a strong ROI for your work:

No matter what the next four years bring we remain committed to this work and are here to support you.

Want to talk?  Drop us a note at hello@equity-at-work.com anytime!

Need help determining how to achieve high-impact, measurable results with your DEI work?  Contact us here.

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